Interviewing Techniques – Part 3

Interviewing Techniques – Part 3
Where you have been able to get your CV to speak for you and you have been called for an interview, you then have to speak for yourself at the interview.
In the first blog on interviewing techniques, we mentioned a few bullet points which we are continuing with in this blog.
Use Accounting Terminologies:
This is very important in dealing with interview questions. Employers are looking for people who have the experience, so the more you are able to shine this out the better your chances are of getting the job.
For example, if you are asked, “can you carry out bank reconciliation?”
Answer- Yes I can. I have to make sure all data entry is carried out and I click all transactions that appear on the bank statement and then match. The difference at the bottom should become 0 and then I click reconcile.
Compared to:
Answer- Yes I can. I have to make sure I post all the customers invoices into the sales ledger, I then post all suppliers invoices to the purchases ledger and all bank postings have to be carried out in the bank ledger. Once all these posting have been done, the double entry effect can be checked in the nominal ledger for accuracy of postings. I am then ready to
proceed with the bank reconciliation and this means I have to go to the bank ledger and click on reconcile ….
Notice the second answer has a lot of accounting terminologies and in getting an answer with such level of terminologies will make you stand out from someone that just refers to data entry or posting of transactions.
You have to bear in mind that using the right terminologies is very important and this has to flow smoothly in your answers. The ability to do this doesn’t come naturally; it only comes with practice and loads of practice for that matter.
So I will strongly encourage you to get talking. I call it “TALK THE TALK”.
Ask yourself questions, and speak about the answers to anybody who will listen to you- family member, friend, pet- a dog or cat who will give you audience. If you don’t have any of these, sit yourself down in front of a mirror and watch yourself answer these basic questions and loads more:
  • How do you post customers invoices
  • How do you post suppliers invoices
  • How do you set up or rename a nominal code
  • How do you generate remittance advice for suppliers
  • How do you carry out bank reconciliations
  • How do you post salary journals
  • How do you account for accruals
  • How do you account for credit notes
  • How do you make refunds to customers
These are all basic questions, do you know the answers to these. If you don’t, you need to get some work experience in accounting and then build on that.
See yourself apply accounting terminologies in answering each of these and you will notice that the answers you give to each of these will get better and better as you practice.
Please make sure that you are speaking out the answers, don’t just play it over in your head and think you know it, because you may not be able to speak it out confidently and smoothly.


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